jbm0: The groom was under constant video surveillance before the ceremony.
jbm0: Stashu and Chuk: The Wedding
jbm0: Chuk Coverage
jbm0: Meanwhile, down in Monty Hall...
jbm0: Stashu and Chuk: The Wedding
jbm0: Chuk's Progress: The groom got past the Sparkly Rolling Disco Ball Hazard pretty quickly.
jbm0: Next up: the Ball Pit Hazard, with Bucci as boss
jbm0: The Ballpit
jbm0: Is anyone surprised that Greg can juggle?
jbm0: Greg Documents
jbm0: Ball-Pit Boss Left Behind
jbm0: waiting outside Monty Hall
jbm0: Stashu and Chuk: The Wedding
jbm0: Stashu and Chuk: The Wedding
jbm0: Stashu and Chuk: The Wedding
jbm0: While Chuk cools his heels in the outer hall, Stashu is on the mic and the wheels of steel.
jbm0: Stashu and Chuk: The Wedding
jbm0: Emcee Joe Emcees
jbm0: Stashu and Chuk: The Wedding
jbm0: The Elm Street All-Kazoo Band
jbm0: the flower family
jbm0: flower girl and her retinue
jbm0: Ken and Chuk wait in the hall; DJPC maintains the video feed.
jbm0: Bride Procession Prep
jbm0: Here comes the bride! The path is being bepetaled with flowers, of course.
jbm0: Stashu and Chuk: The Wedding
jbm0: Petals!
jbm0: Ken walks Stashu down the aisle.
jbm0: Jim the Poet has the whole train deal fully under control.
jbm0: A Microphone For A Bride-To-Be