jbm0: It's about to begin.
jbm0: Festive once more: the carnival is on the way back to town!
jbm0: Burns enjoys the spoils of victory.
jbm0: jbm-20140223-m240a-019
jbm0: Jones and Burns
jbm0: X Ray has a sit and a smoke.
jbm0: Mr. Morelli.
jbm0: Bill Kelly (Week 1)
jbm0: BK's MC EFD.
jbm0: BK's MC EFD.
jbm0: Bethany in the key of A440 (week 1)
jbm0: More calls! You clearly neeed to make more calls.
jbm0: Dan does his thing for you (week one of the WFMU Marathon).
jbm0: Rob W. MCs for Dan B., Week 1 of the WFMU Marathon
jbm0: Chris T. (week 1)
jbm0: Chris T's MC Andrea
jbm0: Deed Runlea in the wings
jbm0: The phone room crew and Thomas
jbm0: Goddamn Dave Hill (and his little amp)
jbm0: Dave Makes a Point
jbm0: Lucy Wainwright Roche tunes up.
jbm0: Jason, Dave, LWR
jbm0: Something for the loved ones of John, whom they are unlikely to see for awhile.
jbm0: Dave and LWR Contemplate
jbm0: Ken stares in disbelief at the playlist comment page.
jbm0: Ken's anti-MC Irwin
jbm0: Nick wore his best party fez to take pledges.
jbm0: Station Manager Ken... with not one but TWO Ghostly Irwin Faces
jbm0: Demonic Ken Behind Glass
jbm0: Pat, MC Andrea