jbm0: DA reacts to some of the goofiness around him.
jbm0: playing the show in
jbm0: A.J. Jacobs enjoys his healthy single glass of wine.
jbm0: A.J. Jacobs
jbm0: A.J. Jacobs
jbm0: A.J. Jacobs
jbm0: Who's a pretty boy?
jbm0: Target, the African Grey.
jbm0: Dr. Laurie Hess, exotic pet veterinarian
jbm0: jbm-20120516-5d2-067
jbm0: jbm-20120516-5d2-068
jbm0: jbm-20120516-5d2-074
jbm0: jbm-20120516-5d2-079
jbm0: The Hedgehog is Shy and Prickly.
jbm0: Can you find the face?
jbm0: Perhaps this hedgehog has something to say.
jbm0: jbm-20120516-5d2-099
jbm0: Andy cracks wise.
jbm0: Dr. Laurie Hess, Exotic Pet Veterinarian
jbm0: Is that a litte hedgehog tongue?
jbm0: Hedgehog.
jbm0: Hedgehog!
jbm0: It's Tortoise Time
jbm0: On the subject of tortoises
jbm0: jbm-20120516-5d2-153
jbm0: Ken Touches the Tortoise
jbm0: Pettin' the Tortoise
jbm0: The Grey Abides.
jbm0: jbm-20120516-5d2-173
jbm0: Miss Seven Second Delay mesmerizes the crowd.