jbm0: 1 June 2011 (medium)
jbm0: 1 June 2011 (tight)
jbm0: 1 June 2011 (really tight)
jbm0: 15 June 2011 (wide)
jbm0: 15 June 2011 (medium)
jbm0: 24 July 2011 (wide)
jbm0: 27 July 2011 (1 WTC behind 7 WTC)
jbm0: 27 July 2011 (near)
jbm0: 27 July 2011 (wide)
jbm0: 27 July 2011 (medium)
jbm0: 11 September 2011 (night; red, white and blue)
jbm0: 14 Aug 2012, 20:04ish: somewhere behind those buildings, there are G+ Photowalkers.
jbm0: 14 Aug 2012
jbm0: 14 Aug 2012, 20:04ish: somewhere behind those buildings, there are G+ Photowalkers.
jbm0: 14 Aug 2012
jbm0: 23 July 2013
jbm0: 8 Nov 2013: new One World Trade spire first illuminated
jbm0: 8 Nov 2013: new One World Trade spire first lit
jbm0: 8 Nov 2013: new One World Trade spire first lit
jbm0: 6 April 2014 (with moon)
jbm0: Rainbow Over Manhattan (2014-04-26)
jbm0: Uh oh, we've wandered into a movie about a clean but slightly dystopian future.
jbm0: WTC wing thing (and crane)
jbm0: Piersticks and the City
jbm0: It's been half-a-decade since we last checked in with One WTC. Seems to be holding up!
jbm0: And... checking back after some time inside, the skyline still seems to be there.
jbm0: ...and it's STILL still there.
jbm0: Downtown Manhattan from Jersey City (21 March 2024, 19:00ish)