michaelgerardceralde™: It is always wise to stop wishing for things long enough to enjoy the fragrance of those now flowering - Patrice Gifford
michaelgerardceralde™: As I grow to understand life less and less,I learn to love it more and more - Jules Renard
michaelgerardceralde™: At High Altitude
michaelgerardceralde™: The worth of our lives come not in what we do or who we are, but in WHOSE we are
michaelgerardceralde™: Going Down From the Other Side
michaelgerardceralde™: S Curve at Kiangan
michaelgerardceralde™: Green Mountains of Kiangan Ifugao, Philippines
michaelgerardceralde™: The Grandeur of Ibulao Viewpoint at Ifugao
michaelgerardceralde™: AMBUWAYA LAKE OF KIANGAN IFUGAO