jbillings06: Mayapple hillside along Rocky Fork Creek
jbillings06: Unknown spring wildflower at Miller Sancutary State Nature Preserve
jbillings06: Miller Sanctuary Natural Bridge Location 1
jbillings06: Miller Sanctuary Natural Bridge Location 2
jbillings06: Miller Natural Bridge Sign
jbillings06: Miller Sanctuary Natural Bridge Location 3
jbillings06: Vine hangs from a tree along Rocky Fork in Miller Sanctuary
jbillings06: Ox-eye daisy (closer) at Miller Sanctuary State Nature Preserve
jbillings06: Ox-eye Daisy at Miller Sanctuary State Nature Preserve
jbillings06: Equisetum or Horsetail 2
jbillings06: Equisetum or Horsetail 1
jbillings06: Virginia Twinleaf at Miller Sanctuary State Nature Preserve
jbillings06: Varying spring vegetation along the trail
jbillings06: Possible vernal pool at Miller Sanctuary State Nature Preserve
jbillings06: Dogwood tree stands out along Rocky Fork
jbillings06: Fallen tree along the trail at Miller Sanctuary State Nature Preserve
jbillings06: Fallen tree on dolomite rocks 2
jbillings06: Fallen tree on dolomite rocks 1
jbillings06: Amazing dolomite rocks
jbillings06: Cute little Columbine flowers growing on dolomite rocks
jbillings06: Touching dolomite rocks with Columbine blooming on top
jbillings06: Leaning tree on touching rocks
jbillings06: HDR shot near natural bridge location 2
jbillings06: HDR shot near natural bridge location 1
jbillings06: Fallen tree on the touching dolomite rocks - iPhone version
jbillings06: Tall dolomite outcroppings overhead
jbillings06: Miller Nature Sanctuary Trail Map
jbillings06: Large Mayapple gets all wet
jbillings06: Ground Ivy (I think)
jbillings06: Columbine up close and personal