jbillings06: Happy New Year!
jbillings06: First sunset of 2016
jbillings06: First sunset of 2016 overlooking Lake White
jbillings06: White Ears ponders a dash up the tree
jbillings06: Contemplative snacking
jbillings06: Face buried in the seeds
jbillings06: Eating with your back against the wall
jbillings06: White Ears shovels black sunflower seeds by the paw-ful
jbillings06: Do I see some teeth?
jbillings06: Focused on that bushy tail ...
jbillings06: Does this look like a cat or a rabbit to you?
jbillings06: Feeding my face full of seeds
jbillings06: Yum ... so tasty!
jbillings06: White Ears watches a dove nearby
jbillings06: Almost got it!
jbillings06: Hoping to find just the right seed
jbillings06: Contemplating the meaning of life
jbillings06: Bounce away quickly, even if there is a peanut on the ground
jbillings06: Heading toward the sidewalk
jbillings06: White Ears goes up the tree - more tree
jbillings06: White Ears goes up the tree - closer crop
jbillings06: Pondering life beyond the fence
jbillings06: Snack time
jbillings06: The search is on ...
jbillings06: Seed eater profile
jbillings06: Those fuzzy white ears ...
jbillings06: Oh the anticipation of finding more seeds!
jbillings06: Hmmm ... I think I found something here
jbillings06: Snout full of seed shells
jbillings06: Is there something better down there?