jbillings06: My favorite Mr. Price snack
jbillings06: You have chosen wisely.
jbillings06: Flavorful patriotism
jbillings06: Share a Coke with Kyle
jbillings06: Donuts are definitely office supplies!
jbillings06: Chocolate cupcake loaded with frosting
jbillings06: Gallons of blue and red goodness
jbillings06: Reuben on a pretzel bun - Country Crust Bakery
jbillings06: Hazelnuts - County Fair style
jbillings06: Vegetable graffiti
jbillings06: Easter Bunny Peep
jbillings06: Blue Pepsi
jbillings06: Bovine's Wood-fired Barbecue Chicken Pizza
jbillings06: Wisdom of Salsa Verde
jbillings06: Frog Spit
jbillings06: Entertainment Crackers
jbillings06: Smiley Face Omelet
jbillings06: An onion with a heart
jbillings06: The best food is free food
jbillings06: Corn on the cob cupcakes
jbillings06: Patriotic pie cupcakes at a picnic
jbillings06: Breakfast of Champions at the beach