jbillings06: Close enough to touch!
jbillings06: Spring Adult Male Bay-breasted Warbler
jbillings06: Spring Adult Male Bay-breasted Warbler once again
jbillings06: Spring Adult Male Bay-breasted Warbler once again
jbillings06: My first Magnolia Warbler
jbillings06: Chestnut-Sided Warbler checks out all of the photographers at Magee Marsh
jbillings06: Chesnut-Sided Warbler hop
jbillings06: Chestnut-Sided Warbler with eyes to the sky
jbillings06: Peek-a-boo warbler
jbillings06: Smiling swallow
jbillings06: Peeking prothonotary
jbillings06: Prothonotary produces plethora of sounds while singing
jbillings06: Peering prothonotary
jbillings06: Puzzled prothonotary
jbillings06: Magee Marsh Columbine
jbillings06: Magee Marsh Catbird enjoys the perch
jbillings06: Magee Marsh Prothonotary Warbler cocks his head
jbillings06: Magee Chickadee looks around the water
jbillings06: Sharp Baltimore Oriole shows off at Magee Marsh
jbillings06: Supervised swimming - geese and gosling
jbillings06: An egret stands watch
jbillings06: Female Brown-headed Cowbird (I think) in the parking lot at the Magee Marsh boardwalk
jbillings06: Magee Marsh seagull with a black bill
jbillings06: Spring Adult Male Bay-breasted Warbler (I think)
jbillings06: Magee Marsh grackel and red-winged blackbird look for oranges
jbillings06: Hairy woodpecker looks up briefly
jbillings06: Eastern Kingbird clings to a skinny branch
jbillings06: Magnolia Warbler overhead
jbillings06: Barn swallow profile at Magee Marsh
jbillings06: Shy Towee hides among the shrubs at Magee Marsh