jbillings06: Red-winged blackbird in a tree 1
jbillings06: Red-winged blackbird in a tree 4
jbillings06: Red-winged blackbird in a tree 2
jbillings06: Red-winged blackbird in a tree 3
jbillings06: Eyes to the sky
jbillings06: Step this way please
jbillings06: Red-winged blackbird stares me down
jbillings06: A velvet view of a red-winged blackbird
jbillings06: Standing out on a wire, not a limb
jbillings06: Red-winged chirp!
jbillings06: Red-winged blackbird conversation
jbillings06: Red-winged blackbird looks down
jbillings06: What route was I supposed to follow again?
jbillings06: Talking red-winged blackbird
jbillings06: She looks into the water and sees herself
jbillings06: Why does everyone want photos of warblers when I'm right here?
jbillings06: Talking the other direction in the neighbor's grape arbor
jbillings06: Talking in the neighbor's grape arbor
jbillings06: Red-winged chatter
jbillings06: Talking to the wind as it ruffles your feathers
jbillings06: A breeze to ruffle the feathers
jbillings06: Handsome Red-winged Blackbird
jbillings06: Red-winged Blackbird hop
jbillings06: Red-winged Blackbird stands on a branch overlooking my backyard
jbillings06: Look up
jbillings06: Bud beak
jbillings06: The look
jbillings06: In the shadows, the wing band still shows
jbillings06: Listen