jbillings06: Depth of field
jbillings06: Red Boat Yellow Boat
jbillings06: Caldwell Lake Inlet
jbillings06: Amazing summer sky
jbillings06: Log on a dock
jbillings06: Reflecting in a canoe
jbillings06: Clouds larger than mountains
jbillings06: Caldwell Lake inlet nonbridge end
jbillings06: The mighty Scioto River
jbillings06: Looking out the window at the Adena Mansion
jbillings06: Line of Teasels
jbillings06: The tall teasel reaches for the sky
jbillings06: Ohio Foothills July Challenge - Creek #2
jbillings06: Ohio Foothills July Challenge - Creek #1
jbillings06: Rocky stream of slate
jbillings06: Train coming down the tracks
jbillings06: Caldwell Lake Serenity
jbillings06: Thomas Worthington's Adena Mansion
jbillings06: Big cloud with nice rainbow included
jbillings06: Get a little closer to the puffy cloud
jbillings06: The wide angle rainbow view
jbillings06: Going purple
jbillings06: The New River Gorge, West Virginia
jbillings06: Going down to see the New River
jbillings06: New River - Flowers by the water
jbillings06: Kayaking under the New River Bridge
jbillings06: Moss anyone?
jbillings06: New River Bridge from the water
jbillings06: New River - Kaymoor Trailhead
jbillings06: Growing Garlic