J. B. Friday:
Coconut Island
J. B. Friday:
Volcano crater and plume
J. B. Friday:
Hilo and Mauna Kea snow
J. B. Friday:
Palm and breadfruit and snow
J. B. Friday:
Volcano house view
J. B. Friday:
Tantalus forest
J. B. Friday:
Mauna Kea snow
J. B. Friday:
Kalalau Valley
J. B. Friday:
Waipio valley taro
J. B. Friday:
Waikiki and Diamond Head
J. B. Friday:
At Richardson's
J. B. Friday:
Green Sand Beach
J. B. Friday:
Saddle Road burn
J. B. Friday:
Manoa Valley about 1928
J. B. Friday:
Manoa Valley 1918
J. B. Friday:
Nuuanu Valley 1918
J. B. Friday:
Jupiter Venus and Mercury
J. B. Friday:
Kohala forest reserve
J. B. Friday:
Erythrina sandwicensis trees in Kohala
J. B. Friday:
Kalalau Valley
J. B. Friday:
End of the 'Awa'awapuhi trail
J. B. Friday:
Erythrina sandwicensis and Mauna Kea
J. B. Friday:
Puhimau thermal area
J. B. Friday:
Pu'u O'o trail panorama
J. B. Friday:
Approaching a kīpuka on the Pu'u O'o trail, Mauna Loa
J. B. Friday:
Calophyllum inophyllum, Pandanus tectorius, and Cocos nucifera
J. B. Friday:
Pu'u Huluhulu
J. B. Friday:
Lake Waiau ahu
J. B. Friday:
green grass under Sophora
J. B. Friday: