J. B. Friday: Home garden in the Philippines
J. B. Friday: Leucaena leucocephala tree in maize
J. B. Friday: Home garden / agroforest
J. B. Friday: Areca catechu
J. B. Friday: Coconut rhinoceros beetle damage to trunk and leaf base
J. B. Friday: Coconut rhinoceros beetle damage to leaf
J. B. Friday: Betel nut palm with banana
J. B. Friday: Banana farm with interplanted betel nut
J. B. Friday: Philippine upland landscape with farms,
J. B. Friday: Theobroma cacao fruit and flowers
J. B. Friday: Farm scene
J. B. Friday: Calamus manillensis
J. B. Friday: Philippine agroforest with bananas and taro
J. B. Friday: Nephelium lappaceum fruit and leaves
J. B. Friday: Montane agroecosystems in the Philippines
J. B. Friday: Coconut-based agroforestry system
J. B. Friday: Coconut based agroforestry
J. B. Friday: Coffea sp.
J. B. Friday: Agroforestry farm with māmaki (Pipturus albidus)
J. B. Friday: Gliricidia and cacao agroforestry
J. B. Friday: Propagating breadfruit ('ulu) by marcotting
J. B. Friday: Drought affected breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis)
J. B. Friday: Artocarpus altilis leaves and fruit
J. B. Friday: Artocarpus altilis ripe fruit
J. B. Friday: Pandanus and Aleurites canopy
J. B. Friday: Agroforestry garden at Amy BH Greenwell Ethnobotanical Garden
J. B. Friday: Musa x paradisiaca developing bunch
J. B. Friday: Artocarpus altilis
J. B. Friday: Dioscorea trellis in agroforestry garden
J. B. Friday: Dioscorea sp.