andyfoo(31): Wetlands reserve
andyfoo(31): Wetlands reserve
andyfoo(31): Egret at Wetlands reserve
andyfoo(31): Heron flying across the sea
andyfoo(31): Couple of love birds
andyfoo(31): Colourful fishing boat
andyfoo(31): A long wooden pathway
andyfoo(31): Great-billed Heron
andyfoo(31): Great-billed Heron
andyfoo(31): Another fishing boat
andyfoo(31): Hornbill
andyfoo(31): White Bellied Sea Eagle
andyfoo(31): Chestnut-Crested Yuhina
andyfoo(31): Golden-Naped Barbet
andyfoo(31): Indigo Flycatcher
andyfoo(31): Female Scarlet Minivet
andyfoo(31): Indigo Flycatcher
andyfoo(31): Temminck's Sunbird
andyfoo(31): Temminck's Sunbird
andyfoo(31): Golden-Naped Barbet
andyfoo(31): Yellow-Vented Bulbul
andyfoo(31): Little-Pied Flycatcher
andyfoo(31): Orange-Bellied Flowerpecker