JamieDrakePhotos: Stars on The Water
JamieDrakePhotos: Are You Listening to me?
JamieDrakePhotos: White Peacock Butterfly
JamieDrakePhotos: baby stilt
JamieDrakePhotos: WoodStork
JamieDrakePhotos: Black Necked Stilt
JamieDrakePhotos: gatorcutout
JamieDrakePhotos: Grey Hairstreak
JamieDrakePhotos: Dragonfly Out of Bounds
JamieDrakePhotos: take off (juvenile Northern Caracara)
JamieDrakePhotos: Rattlebox Moth
JamieDrakePhotos: you Messin' wit me?
JamieDrakePhotos: Least Bittern
JamieDrakePhotos: Large Flowered Sabatia
JamieDrakePhotos: I hate my lens
JamieDrakePhotos: Bachelors Button
JamieDrakePhotos: Florida Scrub Jay
JamieDrakePhotos: I saw God Today
JamieDrakePhotos: SouthernDogface
JamieDrakePhotos: Tropical Skipper
JamieDrakePhotos: RbWoodpeckers
JamieDrakePhotos: Raggedy Pygmy blue
JamieDrakePhotos: Green Heron
JamieDrakePhotos: Bflyflower
JamieDrakePhotos: firstshadow
JamieDrakePhotos: 16-12-2007 1-00-42 PM