Amen-Ra: Piers: new and old
Amen-Ra: IMG_3778_edit
Amen-Ra: DSC_0128
Amen-Ra: DSC_0417_edit
Amen-Ra: Notre Dame, about 8am, in HDR
Amen-Ra: DSC_0236_edit
Amen-Ra: take flight
Amen-Ra: Step into the Sun/ There's more to see than can ever be seen.
Amen-Ra: IMG_4172
Amen-Ra: fabric of stone in B&W
Amen-Ra: a California sunset (one of the best kinds)
Amen-Ra: DSC_5259_edit
Amen-Ra: point clouds!
Amen-Ra: the caravanserai
Amen-Ra: sunset in the desert
Amen-Ra: DSC_8082
Amen-Ra: _DSC9006
Amen-Ra: I don't think it works.
Amen-Ra: DSC_6780
Amen-Ra: DSC_6808
Amen-Ra: DSC_7112
Amen-Ra: field of scanners
Amen-Ra: DSC_8080
Amen-Ra: Scan Team doing their stuff (or Joe, at least)
Amen-Ra: _DSC8634
Amen-Ra: it's a dirty job...
Amen-Ra: the work boys
Amen-Ra: unravelled ice house
Amen-Ra: The Ice House cometh
Amen-Ra: points clouds!