jbarc in BC:
Scottsdale's McDowell Sonoran Preserve
jbarc in BC:
Balanced Rocks
jbarc in BC:
Rocks and Cacti
jbarc in BC:
Crested saguaro
jbarc in BC:
The Balanced Rock
jbarc in BC:
Hohokam Petroglyphs
jbarc in BC:
Crested saguaro 2
jbarc in BC:
Desert View
jbarc in BC:
Step carefully!
jbarc in BC:
Impressionism in the Superstition Mountains
jbarc in BC:
Adero Canyon Trailhead
jbarc in BC:
Sea of Saguaro's
jbarc in BC:
Balanced Rock
jbarc in BC:
Saguaro Scarecrow
jbarc in BC:
Big Sky
jbarc in BC:
The Superstitions
jbarc in BC:
Marcus Landslide Trail
jbarc in BC:
Mushroom Rocks - Marcus Landsclide Hike
jbarc in BC:
San Tan Trail
jbarc in BC: