jbarc in BC:
Celebration of Light 1
jbarc in BC:
Celebration of Light 4
jbarc in BC:
Celebration of Light 5 Vancouver 2014
jbarc in BC:
Northern Lights Stewart BC
jbarc in BC:
Northern Lights
jbarc in BC:
Hoodoos at Sunrise in Bryce Canyon
jbarc in BC:
Bryce Canyon Sunrise
jbarc in BC:
Oakwood sunset
jbarc in BC:
The Golden Spider
jbarc in BC:
Supermoon in Arizona
jbarc in BC:
Sun Lakes Sunset in AZ
jbarc in BC:
Storm Finale
jbarc in BC:
Nature's explosion
jbarc in BC:
Wine tasting
jbarc in BC:
The Architect
jbarc in BC:
The Moon - light and shadows
jbarc in BC:
Legends of the Fall...a Dream
jbarc in BC:
Dune traveller
jbarc in BC:
Shelter from the Storm
jbarc in BC:
Balsam Street
jbarc in BC:
Sunset Silhouette
jbarc in BC:
Burning Bark and Bokeh
jbarc in BC:
On golden pond
jbarc in BC:
New Year's 2022
jbarc in BC:
Romantic winter panorama
jbarc in BC:
Wild horses of Salt River
jbarc in BC:
The Second Coming
jbarc in BC:
Red Sky at Night...
jbarc in BC:
The Blue Hour
jbarc in BC:
Evening stroll on the pier