JBAdams: My apartment building
JBAdams: Tsukishima on the Sumidagawa looking toward Kachidoki
JBAdams: Chuo Ohashi
JBAdams: Porsche Speedster in Tsukiji
JBAdams: The view outside my window
JBAdams: Aston Martin in Ginza
JBAdams: Aux Bacchanales in Ginza
JBAdams: Sony Building, Ginza
JBAdams: Ginza intersection
JBAdams: Yurakucho
JBAdams: Charlie with his new M7
JBAdams: Ginza Pedestrians' Paradise
JBAdams: Shinjuku on a Sunday
JBAdams: Shinjuku on a Sunday headed toward Kabukicho
JBAdams: Shinjuku Station, East side
JBAdams: Tsukishima and Chuo Ohashi
JBAdams: Mackerel Cove, Bailey Island, Maine
JBAdams: The view from here
JBAdams: CoveSide gets a new roof, September 2011
JBAdams: Cribstone Bridge, Bailey Island, Maine
JBAdams: Cribstone Bridge, Bailey Island, Winter 2015
JBAdams: Cribstone Bridge & Cook's Lobster House, Bailey Island, Winter 2015
JBAdams: Widelux F7
JBAdams: Concordia Yawl Streamer
JBAdams: Schooner Alert passing Mark Island
JBAdams: Preparing for a Cruise with Al