sherrYgibsoN~here & there...: iT's a fRostY morNiNg~~~fRom wHere i sTaNd
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...: So ManY New pAths and cHoicEs are waiTiNg for uS iN the New YeaR~~~~2012, Here We Come!! It's mE AgaiN MoNdaY♥♥♥
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...: cHoiCes~~fRom wHere i sTaNd~~
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...: This is aLL I've goT toNight~~fRom wHere i sTaNd
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...: Free Your Souls~~~fRom wHere I sTaNd~~YeaH~~We'Re GoNNa LeT it sLiDe〽〪〽〫〽〭
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...: iT's a weT beNch MoNdaY~~fRom wHere i sTaNd~~oN~~mE aGaiN MoNdaY
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...: a Big spLash~~fRom wHere i sTaNd
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...: fRom wHere i sTaNd~oN the back of a turtLe~ i see 2 turtles, St. Francis' head, and an old cow skull~~it was a strange daY
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...: fRom wHere i sTaNd~#bLaCkwithWhiTeChaLLeNge~instagram
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...: from wHere i sTaNd
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...: YeaH~~We'Re GoNNa LeT it sLiDe〽〪〽〫〽〭iNto the warMth of jaNuarY
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...: the suN was waitiNg for mE this morNiNg
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...: Valentine Roses for mY MoM
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...: TeeTiNiest of Hearts
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...: mE AgaiN MoNdaY~~fraMed
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...: fRom wHere i sTaNd~~Buttercups & Birks = SpriNg
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...: HaNgiNg TeN with BeaR
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...: iN the LaNd of DreaMs~~~