sherrYgibsoN~here & there...:
YeaH~~We'Re GoNNa LeT it sLiDe〽〪〽〫〽〭
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...:
YeaH~~We'Re GoNNa LeT it sLiDe〽〪〽〫〽〭
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...:
YeaH~~We'Re GoNNa LeT it sLiDe〽〪〽〫〽〭
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...:
YeaH~~We'Re GoNNa LeT it sLiDe〽〪〽〫〽〭
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...:
111 PiCtuRes in 2011~~bLuRR#14
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...:
CooL and cRiSp RiDe
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...:
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...:
YeaH~~We'Re GoNNa LeT it sLiDe〽〪〽〫〽〭
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...:
YeaH~~We'Re GoNNa LeT it sLiDe〽〪〽〫〽〭
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...:
YeaH~~We'Re GoNNa LeT it sLiDe〽〪〽〫〽〭
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...:
YeaH~~We'Re GoNNa LeT it sLiDe〽〪〽〫〽〭PoRt aRANsAs
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...:
YeaH~~We'Re GoNNa LeT it sLiDe〽〪〽〫〽〭~~PerSpEcTiVe~~
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...:
YeaH~~We'Re GoNNa LeT it sLiDe〽〪〽〫〽〭~~~Condo
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...:
YeaH~~We'Re GoNNa LeT it sLiDe〽〪〽〫〽〭~~LoNe StAr
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...:
orig doll
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...:
YeaH~~We'Re GoNNa LeT it sLiDe〽〪〽〫〽〭~~WiLL You Take mE HoMe and LoVe mE???....
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...:
YeaH~~We'Re GoNNa LeT it sLiDe〽〪〽〫〽〭HoT PiNk
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...:
YeaH~~We'Re GoNNa LeT it sLiDe〽〪〽〫〽〭CroSS ProCeSS
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...:
YeaH~~We'Re GoNNa LeT it sLiDe〽〪〽〫〽〭~~52 of tWeNtY eLeVeN
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...:
YeaH~~We'Re GoNNa LeT it sLiDe〽〪〽〫〽〭GaLvEsTON
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...:
YeaH~~We'Re GoNNa LeT it sLiDe〽〪〽〫〽〭chrYsanThemum VaSe
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...:
YeaH~~We'Re GoNNa LeT it sLiDe〽〪〽〫〽〭
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...:
YeaH~~We'Re GoNNa LeT it sLiDe〽〪〽〫〽〭~~beach daisYs
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...:
I Dare You to Let mE be Your One and OnlY...
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...:
"I eXpeRienCe a PeRiod of FrighTeniNg cLaritY in thoSe MomenTs wHen NatuRe is so BeauTifuL. I am no LonGer SuRe of mYseLf, and the PainTinGs aPPeaR as in a DreAm." — Vincent van Gogh
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...:
HaNd OuT~~~~Yeah~~We'Re GoNNa LeT it sLiDe
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...:
YeaH~~We'Re GoNNa LeT it sLiDe〽〪〽... through the looKing gLass
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...:
YeaH~~We'Re GoNNa LeT it sLiDe〽〪〽~~SunDaY Sunset in the PaRk
sherrYgibsoN~here & there...:
YeaH~~We'Re GoNNa LeT it sLiDe〽〪〽〫〽〭Summer Fun