jazzlah: rice paddies
jazzlah: slippers in motomachi
jazzlah: random bridge in motomachi
jazzlah: view from kristina's balcony
jazzlah: bathroom curtain
jazzlah: sliding doors
jazzlah: clover field in minato mirai
jazzlah: ferris wheel in yokohama
jazzlah: dorama
jazzlah: keep off
jazzlah: random sign
jazzlah: foo the boat
jazzlah: streets in some random neighborhood in northeast tokyo, can't remember, argh
jazzlah: hachiko
jazzlah: goth loli cos player
jazzlah: smile, it's time for your close up, hamataro
jazzlah: daibutsu
jazzlah: fence
jazzlah: shinto wedding
jazzlah: coast line
jazzlah: Little statute
jazzlah: hydrangea
jazzlah: window
jazzlah: a wall of booze
jazzlah: chillin with the flowers and the earrings
jazzlah: cleaning supplies in kamakura
jazzlah: Random stop before Tokyo Tower
jazzlah: tokyo tower and the temple's trees
jazzlah: some municipal building in yokohama
jazzlah: golden week banners