Doc Roger: First Picture of the Day
Doc Roger: Intensity
Doc Roger: Tiger Swallowtail
Doc Roger: As The Tern Turns
Doc Roger: Bird + Berry
Doc Roger: Julia
Doc Roger: Heron
Doc Roger: Just Ducky
Doc Roger: Hood Ornament Pose
Doc Roger: Guardian of the High Wire
Doc Roger: The Stage
Doc Roger: Tern: Frame #2
Doc Roger: First Mink
Doc Roger: Mounds or Almond Joy?
Doc Roger: Jump Right In Here
Doc Roger: Looking Back
Doc Roger: In My Happy Place
Doc Roger: Blue and Green
Doc Roger: Song Sparrow
Doc Roger: Catbird And Berry
Doc Roger: Good Ol' Red
Doc Roger: Screech
Doc Roger: Two is better than one
Doc Roger: Brown Creeper
Doc Roger: female Anhinga
Doc Roger: Bald Eagle - Dora canal Florida
Doc Roger: Osprey
Doc Roger: Yellow Warbler Singing
Doc Roger: Green Heron
Doc Roger: Sunday In The Park