j_on_tour: Largs GJC_017667 (1)
j_on_tour: Seaside Architecture GJC_016678_edited-1
j_on_tour: Seaside Shop GJC_016674
j_on_tour: Arrival at the Blue Lagoon Chippy GJC_016668
j_on_tour: The hungry Viking GJC_016664
j_on_tour: Nardini Ice Cream Parlour GJC_016663_edited-1 (1)
j_on_tour: Nardini selection GJC_016657 (1)
j_on_tour: The sky's the limit GJC_016656
j_on_tour: Art Deco Ice Cream GJC_016653
j_on_tour: Nardini Cafe GJC_016651_edited-1
j_on_tour: Viking Arrival GJC_016648
j_on_tour: Largs Bay GJC_016640
j_on_tour: Welcome aboard GJC_016635
j_on_tour: Seat art, M.V.Loch Shira GJC_016618
j_on_tour: Car deck M.V. Loch Shira GJC_016613
j_on_tour: Loch Shira at the ready GJC_016500
j_on_tour: M.V. Loch Shira arrives GJC_016492
j_on_tour: MV Loch Striven GJC_016475
j_on_tour: Ripples on the Clyde GJC_016472