JayWF: On Leaving
JayWF: The Beach
JayWF: Out to Sea
JayWF: Sand and Pebbles
JayWF: The Harbour
JayWF: Beached
JayWF: Sail boats
JayWF: Sand
JayWF: Looking Out to Sea
JayWF: Low Cloud
JayWF: The Red Boat
JayWF: Boats
JayWF: Barmouth
JayWF: Sea Weed
JayWF: Clouds
JayWF: Boats
JayWF: Re-edited
JayWF: The Harbour
JayWF: Looking out to sea
JayWF: Across the river mouth
JayWF: Quiet beach
JayWF: A day on the beach
JayWF: The Harbour
JayWF: Flying High
JayWF: Breakers
JayWF: Ants
JayWF: Where the river meets the sea
JayWF: Barmouth