JayWF: Autumn day at Croft
JayWF: Autumn day at Croft
JayWF: Lane to nowhere
JayWF: Evening walk
JayWF: Evening walk
JayWF: Evening walk
JayWF: Evening walk
JayWF: Evening walk
JayWF: Clouds
JayWF: Country stile
JayWF: Harvest time
JayWF: Harvest fields
JayWF: Hogweed
JayWF: Hogweed
JayWF: The Heart of the matter
JayWF: Lime kiln
JayWF: Shades of Green
JayWF: skyline
JayWF: sunsets and sihouettes
JayWF: sunset and silhouettes
JayWF: The Bench
JayWF: Reflections
JayWF: Fish pools
JayWF: Old and ancient
JayWF: Summer snowball
JayWF: Tree line
JayWF: Tree line
JayWF: Autumn walk
JayWF: Witching tree
JayWF: Autumn colour