Jay Tilston: Sir John Everett Millias - Ophelia
Jay Tilston: Sir John Everett Millias - Isabella
Jay Tilston: John William Waterhouse - The Lady of Shalott
Jay Tilston: Dante Gabriel Rossetti - Beata Beatrix
Jay Tilston: John William Inchbold - A Study In March (In Early Spring)
Jay Tilston: William Dyce - Pegwell Bay, Kent - a Recollection of October 5th, 1858
Jay Tilston: William Holman Hunt - Strayed Sheep (Our English Coasts)
Jay Tilston: Arthur Hughes - Home from the Sea
Jay Tilston: William Holman Hunt - The Awakening Conscience
Jay Tilston: Convent Thoughts - Charles Allston Collins
Jay Tilston: Sir John Everett Millias - The Bridesmaid
Jay Tilston: William Holman Hunt - The Finding of the Saviour in the Temple
Jay Tilston: William Holman Hunt - A Converted British Family Sheltering a Christian Priest from the Persecution of the Druids
Jay Tilston: William Holman Hunt - The Hireling Shepherd
Jay Tilston: Sir John Everett Millias - The Vale of Rest
Jay Tilston: Sir John Everett Millias - Christ in the House of His Parents (The Carpenter's Shop)
Jay Tilston: Sir John Everett Millias - The Blind Girl
Jay Tilston: Sir John Everett Millias - Autumn Leaves
Jay Tilston: Sir John Everett Millias - Mariana
Jay Tilston: Ford Madox Brown - The Last of England
Jay Tilston: John William Inchbold - A Study In March (In Early Spring)