JayT47: IMG_1165
JayT47: Jenkin's chapel
JayT47: IMG_1176e
JayT47: John Turner
JayT47: John Turner
JayT47: Premature Decapitation
JayT47: P1020466
JayT47: Bow Stones, Lyme Park
JayT47: Fallow deer
JayT47: P1110523
JayT47: Hi-Yo Silver Footprint
JayT47: Striding Edge
JayT47: Looking towards Shining Tor
JayT47: Distant view of Kinder
JayT47: P1110487ee
JayT47: Above Whalley Bridge
JayT47: Climbing without socks
JayT47: Img_0529c
JayT47: 205_0597
JayT47: Up the Edge
JayT47: Graffiti