Jay Sim: Putting at Morris William G. C.
Jay Sim: One of Beautiful Holes in Morris William
Jay Sim: Memory of Morris William
Jay Sim: Land Mark of Morris William G.C.
Jay Sim: 비가와도 좋다
Jay Sim: 우산있는자들의 여유
Jay Sim: 가을 맞이
Jay Sim: 빗방울 크기
Jay Sim: Green House beyond Lake
Jay Sim: Empty Hole
Jay Sim: Four Cadies and trees
Jay Sim: Rounding Mates of Incheon Int'l Golf Club
Jay Sim: Golfmates at Glen Rose
Jay Sim: Beautiful Cart Road
Jay Sim: The Last Hole
Jay Sim: A Peacock at Glen Rose
Jay Sim: Big Lake at Tee Box of Nishi Sendai C.C.
Jay Sim: Golfmates at NSCC
Jay Sim: Mountain View from Nishi Sendai C.C
Jay Sim: Darkening at NSCC
Jay Sim: Club House of Chungwoo C.C.
Jay Sim: Rounding Mates
Jay Sim: Black Lake
Jay Sim: Black Jay Sim
Jay Sim: Golfmates on 14th of Octorber
Jay Sim: Chip Shot with Putter
Jay Sim: Beautiful Hole
Jay Sim: Make it Par
Jay Sim: Golfmates at Clubhouse
Jay Sim: CSRL Golfmates in 2008