Walk in the Woods Photography PRO: How Close Can You Get To A KingFisher ?
Walk in the Woods Photography PRO: Me out doing what I love to do
Walk in the Woods Photography PRO: Being in a kayak sure is different to the animals they are not afraid of you and its a blast
Walk in the Woods Photography PRO: sing to me..one more week and the eagles should start coming in
Walk in the Woods Photography PRO: Taken from my kayak ,using my 500mm hand held. In the 30's today had to break thru some ice
Walk in the Woods Photography PRO: I was told today that his name is Fred..........So meet Fred the Carpenter
Walk in the Woods Photography PRO: Just me and the Grebes video
Walk in the Woods Photography PRO: Only in a Kayak can you get this close
Walk in the Woods Photography PRO: Freds good side..........view large