jayros: Phoenix south to Tucson
jayros: Arizona Sonora Desert Museum
jayros: Hummingbird and start of a nest
jayros: Fairy Duster
jayros: Saguaro Thorns
jayros: 10 story Titan 2 missile
jayros: Lunch at Cindy Lou Two's
jayros: AZ from Kitt Peak Rd
jayros: AZ from Kitt Peak Rd
jayros: Kitt Peak National Observatory
jayros: Border patrol
jayros: Saguaro West
jayros: Saguaro West
jayros: Saguaro West
jayros: Saguaro West
jayros: Dinner OUT in Tucson
jayros: Amusing desert sign
jayros: Muleshoe ranch - Nature Conservancy property, Sierra Club service trip.
jayros: Volcanic rock
jayros: Dressed for cold!
jayros: Constructed pond with rushes
jayros: Roommates gathering rock for gabions.
jayros: Galinura Mnts, AZ (note snow)
jayros: Gabion installation on Hooker Spring trib. just to slow and absorb runoff.
jayros: Lichen for Melody
jayros: Planting at the Pride Ranch, Galinura Mnts, AZ
jayros: Grey Thorn (well named)
jayros: Cottonwoods line the wash
jayros: Another wash
jayros: Discussing interrupted streams