JayQ19: Sketch on streets of Chiapas
JayQ19: fountain
JayQ19: Sketches while walking around colonial district
JayQ19: Sketches while walking around colonial district
JayQ19: Sketches while walking around colonial district
JayQ19: Watching a lady painting hand carved jaguar
JayQ19: Watching a lady painting hand carved jaguar
JayQ19: Watching a lady painting hand carved jaguar
JayQ19: Alebrijes, fantasy creatures. These are hand made by artisans in remote pueblos. They are very detailed in designs- made of carved wood and painted in bright colors.
JayQ19: Black ceramics, a speciality of Oaxaca
JayQ19: Cosmovitral- a work of art in itself, but it is the only stain glass window museum I have ever seen
JayQ19: Airport sketch
JayQ19: Church in Toluca, Mex.
JayQ19: Weekend sketches
JayQ19: Up the pyramids at Teotehaucan
JayQ19: Sketch of Queretaro Square
JayQ19: Worked this one a bit more
JayQ19: Chiapa de Corzo
JayQ19: Butterflies in the ngle
JayQ19: Rosarito beach
JayQ19: View from cafe at dusk
JayQ19: Ocosingo, Chiapas
JayQ19: Man who works with Agave plant
JayQ19: Looking out the window of the cafe. San Cristobal de las Casas
JayQ19: Guanajuato