Common Gavel: Cokin Experiment 3
Common Gavel: Cokin Experiment 2
Common Gavel: Cokin Experiment 1
Common Gavel: Golden Ilog
Common Gavel: The Blues or what ever is left of it
Common Gavel: Distant
Common Gavel: Lighthouse Sunset
Common Gavel: malutu ing ulap
Common Gavel: Chocolate and Water
Common Gavel: AfterGlows
Common Gavel: Zen and the Art of Watching Clouds
Common Gavel: The Four Sleeping Giants
Common Gavel: Boardwalk Subic Moonbay Marina
Common Gavel: Red Cokin Sunset
Common Gavel: Beyond those trees
Common Gavel: At the End of the Trail
Common Gavel: Mangrove Sunset
Common Gavel: Another Mangrove Sunset