jaypod: Jamie Framed
jaypod: the studio 2
jaypod: the studio
jaypod: wall 1
jaypod: jamie - self portrait
jaypod: caravan
jaypod: jamie and lou
jaypod: lissy, jamie, lou
jaypod: art
jaypod: IMG_2371
jaypod: big weeza little glass
jaypod: little julie big glass
jaypod: IMG_2383
jaypod: IMG_2379
jaypod: cassie, lis & some fella with his id badge
jaypod: IMG_2386
jaypod: lis & me & our chins
jaypod: lis & lou
jaypod: beautiful lis & lou
jaypod: jamie & lis
jaypod: jamie in the prince albert
jaypod: discussing art II
jaypod: dicussing art
jaypod: warm gin in the kitchen I
jaypod: warm gin in the kitchen II
jaypod: i love lissy
jaypod: man with guitar
jaypod: lis in the prince albert
jaypod: Weeza & me in the Castle
jaypod: passed out