jaypod: Margaret Paige-Turner
jaypod: Bruce 'Skippy' Johnson
jaypod: Tarquin Uppity
jaypod: Agnes Paige-Turner
jaypod: Julia Bishop
jaypod: Gregory King
jaypod: Patrick De Montfort
jaypod: Louisa De Montfort
jaypod: Clive Paige-Turner
jaypod: Jacqueline De Montfort
jaypod: was it Louisa?
jaypod: Tarquin and Agnes grow suspicious
jaypod: surely it couldn't be Margaret
jaypod: discussion
jaypod: could it be Patrick?
jaypod: could it be Clive?
jaypod: am i in cahoots with a murderer?
jaypod: getting comfortable with the table
jaypod: a murderer in our midst
jaypod: wish i could remember what she said
jaypod: really wish i could remember what she said
jaypod: poor confused Agnes
jaypod: beef bourginon
jaypod: slightly camper murder suspect
jaypod: could it be Tarquin?
jaypod: a clue?
jaypod: could it be Jaqueline?
jaypod: IMG_1767.JPG
jaypod: could it be Skippy?
jaypod: re-enacting Barbara's final moments