jaypod: lou
jaypod: lis
jaypod: Jo sewing her merkin
jaypod: they're natural blondes
jaypod: Heff and Foxy Palid
jaypod: implausibly blond Dave
jaypod: frightening ladies
jaypod: David and Laney
jaypod: saucy lady in stripey tights
jaypod: saucy lady in er... a lamp
jaypod: beautiful lou and jamie
jaypod: Farah me
jaypod: Foxy Palid looking foxy
jaypod: Foxy Palid
jaypod: and she says i take bad pictures of her...
jaypod: afro twins
jaypod: kissing guns or smelling pits?
jaypod: Kung-Fu with Ulf
jaypod: Kung-fu dancing with Ulf
jaypod: shiny lights
jaypod: Heyyyyy
jaypod: A hustler's belly
jaypod: Heff
jaypod: 70's men drink their beer through straws
jaypod: crazy lights on the dance floor
jaypod: Ulf dancing
jaypod: Lis-Machine on the dancefloor
jaypod: Jo with lasers
jaypod: Ulf
jaypod: pretty shane