jcravens: Our home away from home - Stefan-build square drop camper
jcravens: Chicken Tortilla Soup out of a can & wine - PERFECT
jcravens: Three locks on the bathroom stall in the women's restroom in Loop D
jcravens: Lucy hates the beach
jcravens: the Peter Iredale Shipwreck in Oregon
jcravens: the Peter Iredale Shipwreck in Oregon
jcravens: the Peter Iredale Shipwreck in Oregon
jcravens: A boy and his dog at the beach in Northern Oregon
jcravens: A boy and his dog at the beach in Northern Oregon
jcravens: A boy and his dog at the beach in Northern Oregon
jcravens: Woolly Bear Caterpillar
jcravens: Coffenbury Lake
jcravens: Coffenbury Lake
jcravens: Coffenbury Lake
jcravens: Information board at Historic Fort Stevens in Oregon
jcravens: Lucinda the dog and Stefan at Battery Russell, part of Historic Fort Stevens
jcravens: Stefan and Lucy outside a bunker at the site of Battery Russell in Oregon
jcravens: The steps from the bunker and parking lot to Battery Russell
jcravens: What in the hell is this?!? Creepy.
jcravens: Old gunnery bay
jcravens: What knockers!
jcravens: Would love to know what all this is.
jcravens: Stefan taking photos at Battery Russell at Historic Fort Stevens, Oregon.
jcravens: At Battery Russell at Historic Fort Stevens, Oregon.
jcravens: Battery Russell
jcravens: Super hard to read peace memorial at Battery Russell, at Historic Fort Stevens
jcravens: At Historic Fort Stevens in Oregon
jcravens: Text of information sign at Historic Fort Stevens in Oregon
jcravens: Historic Fort Stevens in Oregon
jcravens: Steam plant bunker, at historic Fort Stevens in Oregon