jcravens: Me arriving at Habitat Event by bicycle
jcravens: Taking photos & drinking coffee
jcravens: Womens Build montage
jcravens: Womens Build group photo
jcravens: Goofy work selfies with Pablo
jcravens: Goofy work selfies with Pablo
jcravens: Goofy work selfies with Pablo
jcravens: Selfie at Women's Build
jcravens: work besties
jcravens: work besties
jcravens: vol and jayne
jcravens: dork jayne
jcravens: sad jayne with lip
jcravens: Laura & Jayne at the ReStore
jcravens: Laura & Jayne at the ReStore
jcravens: Laura & Jayne at the ReStore
jcravens: Jayne Cravens with The Last Virtual Volunteering Guidebook
jcravens: Jayne Cravens with The Last Virtual Volunteering Guidebook
jcravens: the face that greets you when you give blood.
jcravens: 2022-08-20_12-03-42
jcravens: Me in a Habitat for Humanity plastic "hard hat"
jcravens: Me in a Habitat for Humanity plastic "hard hat"
jcravens: Me in a Habitat for Humanity plastic "hard hat"
jcravens: My books & Stefan's ADV products
jcravens: endorsement
jcravens: Gender and Politics panel in Forest Grove
jcravens: Gender and Politics panel with moderator babbling
jcravens: At the AIR awards in Austin, Texas
jcravens: Me at the AIR awards
jcravens: LISTEN TO ME