jcravens: wedding sign on the door
jcravens: wedding sign to direct guests
jcravens: Hand decoration for my wedding
jcravens: Getting ready before the wedding
jcravens: Getting ready for my wedding
jcravens: Wearing an antique broach for my wedding
jcravens: Just before Jayne marries
jcravens: During the wedding ceremony
jcravens: Wedding hug
jcravens: Hey, we're married!
jcravens: Just married
jcravens: Post wedding kiss photo 1
jcravens: Post wedding kiss photo 2
jcravens: Stefan and Jayne Wedding
jcravens: wedding cheers
jcravens: Stefan and Jayne and Sekt
jcravens: Cheers after the wedding
jcravens: almost the official photo
jcravens: More official wedding photos
jcravens: Official wedding photo
jcravens: Our families at our wedding.
jcravens: Our families
jcravens: Our entire wedding party
jcravens: Jayne and Lis
jcravens: Lovely UN ladies
jcravens: wedding presentation
jcravens: Shrek wedding cake
jcravens: Groom's cake
jcravens: 09dance1
jcravens: Our wedding dance