jcravens: Canadian Battlefield Memorial Park
jcravens: Canadian Battlefield Memorial Park near Vimy
jcravens: 03_CanadaWWI
jcravens: Underground at the Canadian Battlefield Memorial Park in Northern France
jcravens: Jewish graves at La Cambe in Northern France
jcravens: Battery Allemande de Longues sur Mer / German Battery at Longues sur Mer
jcravens: Jayne and the Hippo Bunker
jcravens: Inside a German WWII bunker
jcravens: At the memorial in Normandy, France
jcravens: 10_normandy
jcravens: Graves in Normandy, France
jcravens: French camping
jcravens: Jayne and Mont St-Michel
jcravens: 18_st_michel
jcravens: inside Mont St-Michel in the evening
jcravens: 16_st_michel
jcravens: Mont St. Michel
jcravens: Dinan, France
jcravens: Dinan, France
jcravens: The Pierre Longue Menhir? Brittany, France
jcravens: Stefan and menhir in Brittany
jcravens: A strange menhir texture
jcravens: Ancient Roman Road in France
jcravens: Lampouy alignments
jcravens: Lampouy alignments, France
jcravens: Stefan and Lampouy alignments in France
jcravens: Roman remains near Corseul
jcravens: Temple of Mars in Corseul, France
jcravens: Kerguntuill dolmens in Northern France
jcravens: 31_barnenez