FinsUp0531: Nairobi Kenya on Friday rush hour....Karibu!Before going to the airport I had time for a tour of city centre and dinner. While waiting in traffic you can shop for just about anything, all from the comfort of the seat in your car. We are going to the top o
FinsUp0531: Yep it is officially rush hour!Nairobi Kenya August 2011
FinsUp0531: First stop is a tourist view point that allows a nice view of city centre.Some significant landmarks L to RCircular building is Jumba La Mikutano La Kenyatta or Kenya International Conference Centre Clock Tower - Parliament BuildingSemi tall building spl
FinsUp0531: Nairobi Safari goerNairobi Kenya August 2011
FinsUp0531: James made sure I always had a ride around town and most importantly is a really good guy.Nairobi Kenya August 2011
FinsUp0531: The Kenya International Convention Centre - we are going up!Nairobi Kenya August 2011
FinsUp0531: Voila we have arrived almost at the top of the world in Nairobi. Remember this building on the right split by glass? Very significant. On 7 August it was destroyed by the bomb blast that destroyed the US Embassy and killed over 200 people. We will visit t