FinsUp0531: Benvenuti a Pisa Italia! So it really does lean. Let's take a closer look, shall we?Tuscany Light Italy April 2011
FinsUp0531: Battistero di San Giovanni
FinsUp0531: For Easter weekend I decided to do a Tuscany Light Tour (aka a quickie). I started in Pisa, made my way out to Cinque Terre, and finally spent a day in Florence. Lean in and enjoy the sites!Tuscany Light April 2011
FinsUp0531: Spedale Nuovo di Santo Spirito
FinsUp0531: Construction of the tower occurred in three stages across 177 years. Work on the ground floor of the white marble campanile began on August 8, 1173. The tower began to sink after construction had progressed to the second floor in 1178. This was due to a m
FinsUp0531: Seriously?Tuscany Light April 2011
FinsUp0531: The weather was wonderful and people were taking full advantage of it. The piazza grass offered excellent spots for relaxing, picnicking, people watching, and wondering if the tower changes the direction it leans.Angle of slant: 3.97 degrees[22] or 3.9 m