Jay Mac 3: Junk in a Milk Truck
Jay Mac 3: After Christmas
Jay Mac 3: General Purpose
Jay Mac 3: Brute
Jay Mac 3: Brock-Hall Dairy Co.
Jay Mac 3: Farmall Workhorse
Jay Mac 3: $1.00
Jay Mac 3: OLIVER Super 77
Jay Mac 3: Fascinating "Rube Goldberg" PTO
Jay Mac 3: Olde Deere
Jay Mac 3: Slow... Stop!
Jay Mac 3: The sharp Edge...
Jay Mac 3: Minature One Lunger
Jay Mac 3: John Deere "B" Grill
Jay Mac 3: John deere "B" Cockpit
Jay Mac 3: My First Tractor - The estimable John Deere M
Jay Mac 3: A herd of Deere
Jay Mac 3: Deere Steel "Cultivaror" Tractor Wheel
Jay Mac 3: Charles Sears House - 1751 #1
Jay Mac 3: Charles Sears House - 1751 #2
Jay Mac 3: Spring Farmstead
Jay Mac 3: Spring Approaches Winter Lane
Jay Mac 3: Running Brook - Fall | Topaz Impression - Soft Sketch
Jay Mac 3: Falls at the Wall
Jay Mac 3: Winter Freshet
Jay Mac 3: Haddam Meadows State Park #1
Jay Mac 3: Dry'n Time
Jay Mac 3: Game Time
Jay Mac 3: Fruit Bowl