Jay Look: Away from it all
Jay Look: Along the coast
Jay Look: Los Patos
Jay Look: Off the beaten track
Jay Look: Calle Hostos
Jay Look: Out there
Jay Look: The heart of nature
Jay Look: As the evening rolls in
Jay Look: Catedral Primada de America
Jay Look: Caught in the act
Jay Look: In the morning light
Jay Look: Calle El Conde, Santo Domingo
Jay Look: Better safe than sorry
Jay Look: Cordillera Central near Bohechio
Jay Look: From the terrace
Jay Look: Last sun rays
Jay Look: Lone rider
Jay Look: Rio Blanco
Jay Look: Hato Mayor del Rey
Jay Look: Arco
Jay Look: The cathedral
Jay Look: Flamenco dancer
Jay Look: Under full moon
Jay Look: An idle idyll
Jay Look: Moonlit history
Jay Look: The bend
Jay Look: Una casita del campo
Jay Look: On a clear morning
Jay Look: Not a cloud
Jay Look: A busy morning