jrlassiter: Rally in Collingswood
jrlassiter: Collingswood
jrlassiter: A lovely night for equality
jrlassiter: DSCF9203
jrlassiter: DSCF9205
jrlassiter: 3december in Trenton
jrlassiter: Shrug.
jrlassiter: Alison McHose and Jay Lassiter
jrlassiter: GSE Rally
jrlassiter: Boys at the rally
jrlassiter: DSCF9217
jrlassiter: Waiting to enter our State House
jrlassiter: Pensive
jrlassiter: Says it all.
jrlassiter: DSCF9181
jrlassiter: DSCF9179
jrlassiter: 24217_380491961892_709996892_3606127_7370059_n
jrlassiter: 26413_10150146761145648_505830647_11656377_7956860_n
jrlassiter: Garden State Equality collects a ton of food for the needy
jrlassiter: Garden State Equality collects a ton of food for the needy
jrlassiter: Garden State Equality collects a ton of food for the needy
jrlassiter: Garden State Equality collects a ton of food for the needy
jrlassiter: Garden State Equality collects a ton of food for the needy
jrlassiter: Garden State Equality collects a ton of food for the needy
jrlassiter: Garden State Equality collects a ton of food for the needy
jrlassiter: Garden State Equality collects a ton of food for the needy
jrlassiter: Garden State Equality collects a ton of food for the needy
jrlassiter: Garden State Equality collects a ton of food for the needy
jrlassiter: Garden State Equality collects a ton of food for the needy
jrlassiter: Abundance