JayKthnx: Castle Grounds 1
JayKthnx: Snacking Pigeon
JayKthnx: Oxalis Flower
JayKthnx: Dandelion
JayKthnx: Scarlet Pimpernel
JayKthnx: Hole in the Canopy
JayKthnx: Castle Grounds 2
JayKthnx: Fuzzy Caterpillar
JayKthnx: Habu Sign
JayKthnx: Across the Road 1
JayKthnx: WRX Sedan (VA)
JayKthnx: Rock Outcrop
JayKthnx: Yagaji Road
JayKthnx: Yagaji Outcrop
JayKthnx: Torii Beach IR Chrome
JayKthnx: Gratitude
JayKthnx: Across the Road 3
JayKthnx: Cluttered Path to the Sea
JayKthnx: Earthenware Pottery
JayKthnx: Infrastructure
JayKthnx: Irrigation
JayKthnx: Man's Influence on Nature
JayKthnx: Mental Health Clinic
JayKthnx: Rolling Hills
JayKthnx: Scenic Rest
JayKthnx: St. Andrew's Overlay
JayKthnx: Tucked Away
JayKthnx: Up the Street
JayKthnx: Yaedake
JayKthnx: 20220825 2048