Jay Morales Photography: D a y | O n e h u n d r e d -- Love ko 'to -setup
Jay Morales Photography: D a y | Onehundred One -- Boiling Hot City - Set up
Jay Morales Photography: D a y | Onehundred Two -- LBM Loose angry Bird Movement - Set up
Jay Morales Photography: D a y | Onehundred Three -- I Will take over the World!... SQUAWK!
Jay Morales Photography: D a y | N i n e t y t h r e e -- Are you there?...-- Setup
Jay Morales Photography: D a y | Onehundred Four -- Psssttt..... Taxi!... set up
Jay Morales Photography: D a y | Onehundred Five -- I Hate Sounds - set up
Jay Morales Photography: D a y | Onehundred Six -- Controlling Light is an Art - set up
Jay Morales Photography: D a y | Onehundred Nine -- The World of Bokeh - Setup
Jay Morales Photography: D a y | Onehundred Ten -- What a girl wants | What a girl needs - Setup
Jay Morales Photography: D a y | Onehundred ThirtyThree -- Back to Black Setup