jayjayc: An Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus) with an amputated left forefoot
jayjayc: My beloved spouse, John and the Asian Elephants (Elephas maximus)
jayjayc: The Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus) lying on its side as instructed by its trainer
jayjayc: One of its trainer mounting/riding the Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus)
jayjayc: Riding on the Asian Elephants (Elephas maximus) #1
jayjayc: Riding on the Asian Elephants (Elephas maximus) #2
jayjayc: Visitor information centre at the Elephant Sanctuary
jayjayc: The Asian Elephants (Elephas maximus) waiting happily to be fed sugar-canes
jayjayc: Feeding sugar-cane to the Asian Elephants (Elephas maximus)
jayjayc: Thankful Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus) giving my hubby a gentle body wrap with its trunk, after being fed sugar-cane! :)