Jay Heritage Center: Path Through History
Jay Heritage Center: Path Through History Starts in Albany
Jay Heritage Center: The Red Room
Jay Heritage Center: New Path Through History Initiative Starts Here - Executive Chamber - Gov. Cuomo's Office
Jay Heritage Center: Path Through History - Hardhat Tour
Jay Heritage Center: Path Through History - Backstage Tour
Jay Heritage Center: Path Through History - Completed Restoration of Stairwell
Jay Heritage Center: Path Through History- Completed restoration positively shines
Jay Heritage Center: Newly renovated Hall of Governors includes, you guessed it, John Jay!
Jay Heritage Center: Path Through History Conference - Tour of the Hall of Governors
Jay Heritage Center: Path Through History Conference - Tour of the State Assembly Chamber
Jay Heritage Center: Tour of Restoration of the Senate stairwell and sandstone components
Jay Heritage Center: Path Through History - Restored Assembly Skylight
Jay Heritage Center: Path Through History Conference - Backstage Tour of the State Assembly Chamber
Jay Heritage Center: Historian Ken Jackson (center) speaks with fellow Task Force member, Lisa Keller, Professor of History at Purchase, SUNY
Jay Heritage Center: Over 200 stewards of history attended including JHC
Jay Heritage Center: Path Through History Task Force Co-Chairs include Rye's own Harold Holzer, renowned Lincoln Historian and Mark Schaming, Director of the New York State Museum
Jay Heritage Center: Path Through History - Participants Gather for Closing Plenary
Jay Heritage Center: Path Through History - Task Force assembles
Jay Heritage Center: Path Through History 1 Million Dollar Announcement Receives Applause
Jay Heritage Center: Path Through History Leads to the Governor's FRont Door
Jay Heritage Center: Path Through History - Participants on a Path to the Executive Mansion
Jay Heritage Center: Path Through History - Colleagues exchange ideas
Jay Heritage Center: Path Through History - The Executive Mansion
Jay Heritage Center: Path Through History - Gov. Cuomo greets participants at a Concluding Reception
Jay Heritage Center: Path Through History - Harold Holzer, Lincoln Historian, Suzanne Clary, JHC President and Ken Adams, President & CEO, Empire State Development
Jay Heritage Center: Path Through History Participant - Kevin M. Burke of the Newburgh Historical Society