Jay Fine: New York City, February 2014
Jay Fine: Tug and barge heading up the Hudson, February 2014
Jay Fine: SuperBowl pregame Fireworks
Jay Fine: Super Bowl pre-game fireworks in NY Harbor.
Jay Fine: The Bowl of Fog, Lower Manhattan, January 2014.
Jay Fine: New Jersey's Tallest Building, Wednesday Morning
Jay Fine: New York City's first snowstorm of 2014.
Jay Fine: New York City, December 2013
Jay Fine: NY Harbor, Monday Morning
Jay Fine: A brilliant orange sunset this evening thanks to the cold, clear air.
Jay Fine: The Blue Hour
Jay Fine: Traffic and Weather Report for Lower Manhattan, December 2013
Jay Fine: Snow at the South Cove, December 2013
Jay Fine: Blue Angels passing a building in lower Manhattan.
Jay Fine: Night Time in the City, Jersey City, December 2013.
Jay Fine: NY Harbor March 2012
Jay Fine: The Edge of Manhattan, November 2013
Jay Fine: Things I've Seen.
Jay Fine: West Street, Saturday night.
Jay Fine: West Street, Tuesday morning.
Jay Fine: USMC Osprey over Jersey City, May 2011.
Jay Fine: Lower Manhattan, late afternoon, August 2004
Jay Fine: Ellis Island, January 2013
Jay Fine: Earlier today, the Statue of Liberty waved hello to ships in the Harbor.
Jay Fine: Open for Business as of Sunday. Thanks to New York State for picking up the tab for Statue of Liberty operations.
Jay Fine: Tribute in Light light test, Tuesday, September 10, 2013.
Jay Fine: Testing all the lamps tonight for the Memorial in Light. September 2013
Jay Fine: Lighting test, Friday night for the 'Memorial in Light'. September 2013
Jay Fine: Orange Moon over Jersey City. August 2013
Jay Fine: Tuesday night fireworks. August 2013